What Does Gender Equality Mean To Me ?

Sachinthani Ketakumbura
3 min readMay 27, 2021

What does gender equality mean to me?

It means,

Not having to clean or do the dishes just because I am the only girl in the house,

Not having to be excluded from sports just because I am a girl,

Not having to tolerate all the cat-calling and touches just because I am a girl,

Not having to have big butts or big breasts to fall in love,

Not having to be afraid of my boyfriend just because I am physically weak,

Not having to grow up believing I will always be inferior to a man.

It means,

Not having to be taken advantage of just because I have a soft heart,

Not having to be afraid to go out in the street at night alone,

Not having to believe that guys only want to be touched,

Not having to believe that guys only want to have sex with me,

Not having to be judged based on my virginity, whether I am a lady or a whore,

Not having to be afraid to say you took something that was mine without my permission,

Not having to be afraid to say you disrespected me,

Not having to be afraid to say you messed up my whole life.

It means,

Not having to give up on education or my job unwillingly just because I am married,

Not having to become a slave to the man I love,

Not having to become a prisoner of responsibilities of my home and kids when it is supposed to be the job for both the husband and wife,

Not having to be dependent on my husband just because I married him,

Not having to play the roles of both the parents,

Not having to tolerate all the punches and slaps just because I am a woman,

Not having to be ashamed of earning more than my spouse,

Not having to believe that I don’t deserve happiness in life.

It means,

Not having to be bullied or discriminated or made fun of or ignored just because I am sensitive and emotional,

Not having to go unheard when my voice keeps shouting, just because I am a girl,

Not having to prove myself to the world, just because I am a girl,

Not having to be judged every time I do something, just because I am a girl,

Not having to listen to the words “You can’t because you are a girl.”,

Not having to be the blame holder for every problem that comes up,

Not having to be afraid of standing up to me.

Some might say and believe that gender equality is already achieved and all these things that are done for the sake of ‘Achieving Gender Equality’ are unnecessary.

Yes, laws and regulations have indeed changed. Yes, constitutions have indeed changed. But that doesn’t mean the unwritten laws of society have changed. That doesn’t mean the attitudes and the thoughts of people have changed. That doesn’t mean cultures and traditions have changed. That doesn’t mean every single country in the world has changed for the betterment of women. And that is why it is important to raise our voices against gender inequality. To fight for gender equality, not only for ourselves but for everyone. And not because women NEED gender equality, but because we DESERVE it just as any other gender deserves it



Sachinthani Ketakumbura

I am a budding writer/journalist who has knack for breaking unhealthy and backward conventions and expressing the truth in a way that is impactful.